Measurement book is one of the important initial records.   Payments for all works done or supplies made other than by departmental labor is made on the basis of the measurements recorded in the measurement book, popularly known as Measurement Book. All Measurement books allotted to a division are serially numbered. The pages of book are also machine numbered. The Measurement books are to be preserved for the period of 10 years so that the same may be produced in the court of law as evidence in the event of dispute between contractor and the Railway Administration.

A movement register is maintained so as to watch the eventual return of the book on completion. The movement register should contain following columns.

  1. Serial number of measurement book.
  2. Name and designation of the official to whom the book is issued.
  3. Date of issue.
  4. Date of return.
  5. Receivers signature in token of acknowledgement.
  6. Signature of the receiver in token of returning the book.

Since this is an important initial record entries in this book should be made carefully. Precautions to be taken while making entries in this book are as follows: –

  1. All entries made should be in ink or copying pencils so as to render it difficult to tamper with the entries.
  2. All entries should be made directly in the Measurement book at the site of work.  Copying of entries from rough notes is forbidden.
  3. Scratching/overwriting is not permissible in case rectifications are to be made the original entry should be encircled and the recording authority should attest the new entry.
  4. No page should be left blank or torn. All cancellations should be attested by recording authority duly recording the reasons thereof.

Measurements in the measurement books should commence with the details such as Name of work, Contract agreement and date, name of the contractor and date of measurement.

On completion of entries in the measurement books the measurement recording authority and the contractor in token of correctness and acceptance should sign the same respectively.

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